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Foronjy Family Update December 2020

Our Process

Our family enjoyed some time in Three Rivers at the base of Sequoia National Park. The weather was cooperative and we had a blast.

Our History

Our little guy really enjoyed picking up rocks and throwing them into the river. He also enjoyed keeping a few in his pocket as a memento of his amazing time there.

Our History

The kids enjoyed opening their gifts from family and each other. We attempt to make the season more about giving and gratitude, but the getting is fun, too.

Our Process

Although mom is very conservative when it comes to screen time, the stay at home orders may have wore her down and she said okay to watching the silly comedy, Nacho Libre. The kids took some of the wrestling moves learned and made the trampoline their Luchador wrestling ring. Mom couldn't resist a silly gift for her silly Luchadors.

Our Process

Our little guy turned 3 in January so this is the first year he's really becoming aware of all the family traditions that the holidays entail.

Our History

Our oldest has been really enjoying doing the rubik's cube so he's trying out his new 'speed cube' for the first time.

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