Broker Check

Foronjy Family Update September 2020

Our Process

One of the greatest adaptations has been our children learning how to further their education in an online format.

Although the interface is different, we are staying focused on having a positive attitude, an open mind and patience.

Our History

Our oldest finally outgrew his little kid bike and graduated to a big kid bike this month.

He rides fast enough to keep up with me while I jog. He enjoys me quizzing him on spelling and mental arithmetic on our 3 mile loop.

Our Process

Our youngest is not 4, but you wouldn't know it from this picture.  He's 2 and he's really feeling his oats lately.

Full of energy, strong opinions and already giving Mom and Dad a run for our money.

Our History

Our middle enjoyed going to the pumpkin patch to pick about a dozen for our property.

Halloween will definitely be a different speed than years past but I'm sure we'll find a way to make it fun.

Our Process

We enjoyed an outdoor dinner at the Madonna Inn this month and it was a treat.

Then again, after being cooped up indoors for so long just about any outing feels like a vacation.

Our History

I think this one speaks for itself.

The beach just isn't as much fun unless you get buried up to your neck by your loving siblings.

Our Process

Fishing from the pier is becoming a regular pastime for us. It's hard to believe we haven't caught a thing yet, but hey, that's not going to stop us from trying again.

Our History

It's a pretty rewarding experience to witness something like this. It seems like just yesterday the big one was the baby and we were reading to him.

It is interesting to witness the overlap between running our Money Management Business and teaching our children how to thrive in the world. This quote really hits at the heart of the way we view our clients, and a core value we instill in our kids.

“A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, they are not dependent on us. We are dependent on them. They are not an interruption in our work. They are the purpose of it. They are not outsiders in our business. They are part of it. We are not doing them a favor by serving them. They are doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.” – Mahatma Gandhi

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