Broker Check

October 2019

Proud to Coach and Sponsor Youth Soccer

Proud to Coach and Sponsor Youth Soccer

Well another amazing Soccer Season has come and gone.  Our kids played their hearts out this year, and since my wife and I both Coached, we too were in need of a well-earned break. 

Halloween Costume and Biography Subject in One

Halloween Costume and Biography Subject in One

Our 3rd grader decided that the 'historical figure' he was most interested in learning about was Weird Al Yankovic - the song parody artist.  Perfect timing for Halloween as well.

Started With 9 Lives, Down to 8

Started With 9 Lives, Down to 8

Our beloved family cat Sheldon was struck by a car right in front of our house and by some form of miracle he managed to survive.  We don't realize how important our pets are until we are faced with losing one.  Only 8 lives left, little guy.

Happy to Support Our Local Cal Poly Mustangs

Happy to Support Our Local Cal Poly Mustangs

What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than supporting our local College and its vital athletics programs.  Great for families, great for the school... it's a win win.