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Relationship Summary For Bryan Foronjy

In most cases, you already engage Bryan Foronjy of Foronjy Financial, a Registered Representative and Investment Advisor Representative with Mariner Independent Advisor Network. If you have questions about our Financial Planning, Investment Management or Retirement related services, please feel free to reach out directly to us and we will be happy to explain our service offering in more detail.  Additionally, we have provided the following forms for you online. 

 *The  informational pages contained in the PDF document above are commonly referred to in the financial services industry as Form CRS (Client Relationship Summary) and Form ADV Part 2A (Uniform Application for Investment Adviser Registration and Report by Exempt Reporting Adviser).  These are required to be made available to you by your Advisor during an investment recommendation or new account opening.  This document contains language and links to assist clients in understanding our firm services, how our investment advisors conduct business, as well as information that is crucial to making investment decisions.